Aaron Tolopilo is an incredibly talented artist, writer, musician, and "gigantic, beautiful nerd." (JD Miller, 2019) Currently studying at UC Berkeley, where he often engages in coffee consumption and quality uncle-nephew time, he is also the co-creator of 12 Arrows as well as its artist, and is currently slaving away to finish its first issue.
Check him out on Instagram!

Catherine Turk is a passionate and compassionate artist, poet, plant-rescuer and friend, living in Portland, OR. She has a heart for people and an eye for beauty, and is just as likely to write the next earth-shattering manifesto as she is to cry at the picture of a cute puppy. We are 100% here for both.
Check her out on Instagram!

Cameron-Asher Bond is a world-traveling maker, doer, and warm-hearted viking prince. Passionate in a plethora of creative pursuits, including cooking, short film, funiture making, (Ryan Gosling,) and politics, Cam is serious about expression and connection with people, calling himself "an enthusiast; someone who seeks to experience and share."
Check him out on instagram!

JD Miller is the author of The Human Cafe, What We Keep Behind Glass, and Were We Ever Here? / I Saw A Flower Fall, as well as the curator of TTAG (hi there). He prefers writing about himself in the third person. He lives in Portland, Oregon, where he is seeking publication, drinking tea, and hanging out with his wife and cat.
You know the drill: